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C19 and the Fourth Reich

This video was BANNED on YouTube and recovered by RSTV with the Wayback Machine, thanks to the Internet Archive.

Holocaust survivor and activist Vera Sharav speaks out against medical tyranny in her testimony to the International Covid Crimes committee in March of 2019.

Buddha Bunny Daisy

Original Music by M. ROCK STONE | 2022

Buddha Bunny Daisy (Trance Dance)

The little brown bird heard the word
About Buddha Bunny Daisy
He told the hound about what he’d found
He said was truly amazing

The tortoise and the hare and the fox were there
Singing holding hands and dancing
And all the while Buddha Bunny smiled
Swaying and sweetly glancing, she sang…

Buddha Bunny Daisy trance dance
Singing, Om
Buddha Bunny Daisy, transcendental rabbit
Buddha Bunny Daisy trance dance

Before too soon, ol’ Rocky Raccoon
Told the cat that he had the notion
To go tell the bear and take him up there
And see what was all this commotion

The billy goat cleared his throat
And asked the pig if he knew what’s happening
He said go ask the horse, he’ll know of course

Hey, Mike Rock Stone here.

A relay station for the TRUTH. Let's break the dream spell of the NEW WORLD ORDER together in the MEDIA \m/ MILITIA and hold the line for FREEDOM. Like Franklin said, either we stand together or surely we will hang together.

Audio: WEF Cares A Lot (Cyber Polygon)

For some reason, this didn't publish with the written content - and it's the best part!

Audio: WEF Cares A Lot (Cyber Polygon)
WEF Cares A Lot (Cyber Polygon)

It’s a Dirty Job

I keep expecting to find myself peering through the old-fashioned keyhole of a locked little door, yelling at the dozing version of me on the other side to “Wake up!” and rescue me from this incredible and horrific nightmare. Instead, I seem to be falling deeper down a dark rabbit hole of absurdities, oddities, and inverted realities, tumbling as I go head-over-heels through this endless shadowy corridor. I am at once terrified that I have lost all footing on solid ground and that the solid ground whose passing I lament may appear so suddenly beneath me as to crush my bones against it before I’d ever know it was there.

The way things look from this topsy-turvy perspective is amorphous at best and lacks any clear definition, coming in and out of focus and leaving me with a headache. The only comfort for me here is the occasional passing of other similarly bewildered and lost souls attempting to come to grip with their former reality dissolving all around them....

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What's The Big Idea?

Series Preview: What’s the Big Idea?
Mike Rock Stone here, and I'm inviting you to join me for these weekly reports where I attempt to connect the dots of the past and present with apolitical news commentary put into historical context, breaking the dream spell of the New World Order.
The Rock Stone Report audience is wide awake, pissed-off, and sick of the media gaslighting. They do their own research. They question authority. They question the science. They question everything.

Rock Stone Report LIVE is a 1-hour show, once per week. The first half of the show is dedicated to apolitical news commentary on the top stories for that week. During the second half, I read aloud my current article on

Time is running out. Agenda 2030 is accelerating. Tell your friends and family it's time to wake up ...and ROCK ON \m/


What's The Big Idea?
Never Again Is Now Global

Never Again Is Now Global — The Film
Holocaust survivors, children of survivors and grandchildren -- as well as German freedom fighters -- express their shock at today's fear-mongering and divisive dictates that are reminiscent of the prelude to the Holocaust.

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WEF Cares A Lot (Cyber Polygon)

It’s a Dirty Job

I keep expecting to find myself peering through the old-fashioned keyhole of a locked little door, yelling at the dozing version of me on the other side to “Wake up!” and rescue me from this incredible and horrific nightmare. Instead, I seem to be falling deeper down a dark rabbit hole of absurdities, oddities, and inverted realities, tumbling as I go head-over-heels through this endless shadowy corridor. I am at once terrified that I have lost all footing on solid ground and that the solid ground whose passing I lament may appear so suddenly beneath me as to crush my bones against it before I’d ever know it was there.

The way things look from this topsy-turvy perspective is amorphous at best and lacks any clear definition, coming in and out of focus and leaving me with a headache. The only comfort for me here is the occasional passing of other similarly bewildered and lost souls attempting to come to grip with their former reality dissolving all around them....

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FBI is domestic terrorism now?

YouTube context for the LULZ.

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Your Social Media Censordhip is Hitler Appreoved

Your Social Media Censorship is Hitler Approved

If you support “moderated spaces” and censorship on social media platforms then you are following in the goosesteps of Nazi atrocities and I can’t help but conclude that you must be some sort of dull-witted, unimaginative, cud-chewing, brain-dead, useful idiot who lacks any awareness or understanding of the prison you are so willfully building for our children and our children’s children.

What’s Your Excuse?

Censorship “keeps you safe”, does it? Censorship is for the “greater good”, is it? Making it a crime to ask questions protects you from what? Questions? Why are you scared of questions? What do you suppose will happen if people are allowed to freely ask questions once again? Is it because questions, once asked, demand to be answered? Perhaps it is answers that you are afraid of, and not in fact, as it seems to be, questions.

Hitler utilized an authoritarian approach when he was in a leadership position. He dictated the orders that the group as a whole was to follow, and the group had no other options but to obey his commands. Individualism was frowned upon, and Hitler’s followers were not encouraged to offer their own opinions. Groupthink was a major part that was used during Hitler’s reign to psychologically manipulate everyone. It is much easier to control a large amount of people when they are all feeding into groupthink.

Danielle Bosley, “Hitler and Conformity” in, June 28, 2017.

Do You Need Groupthinkers Anonymous?

There’s a meeting every day of the week, and you’re invited to join us and sit around the table where we all tell our stories. There’s always a hot pot of coffee, plenty of friendly understanding folks, and sometimes Maybel treats us all to some of her best-in-the-county, homemade, sweet pecan pie. Hi, my name is (state your name) and I’m a groupthinker.

According to the Psychological Dictionary, groupthink is defined as:

An agreeing seeking tendency interfering with group decision making. Includes apparent conformity, being invulnerable, moral correctness and biased group perceptions. Causes include cohesion and isolation, poor leadership, and stress.

N. Sam M.S., “GROUPTHINK,” in

And, here’s an example of groupthink from

A group of people who very firmly believe in one particular limited political ideal and who only watch news that supports their ideal and who only associate with people who agree with them. The group may come to hate and distrust people who disagree with them and may come to overestimate their power and influence.

We’ve all been there, friend, but the first step you have to take is recognizing that you have a problem. Let me draw you a picture. Take a look at this list of 8 Signs of Groupthink from the article titled What is Groupthink by Simply Psychology, and see if any of these symptoms sound familiar to you:

  • Invulnerability: When groups begin to believe their decisions and actions are untouchable or that the group is invincible, they ignore warnings or signs of danger that run contrary to their consensus.
  • Rationale: Groups that engage in groupthink rationalize their decisions even in the face of obvious warning signs or negative feedback that they receive. This is typically thought to be the case because if the group took into further consideration these pushbacks, the group members’ egos well as the time needed to make the decision may be harmed.
  • Morality: Groups may also believe that their group is inherently morally correct, and they may therefore ignore potential moral or ethical consequences of their decision.
  • Stereotypes: People or groups that oppose the group engaging in groupthink may be rendered enemies as well. This results in mislabeling the enemy group as “stupid” or “weak” when they may not be.
  • Pressure: Groups may directly pressure members of the group who contradict the policy advocated by the group. This forces them to not be able to push back against any arguments being made. This can leave groups prone to making irrational decisions.
  • Self-censorship: Members of groups can sometimes censor themselves too. These individuals may hold off on raising an opinion contrary to the group consensus or convince themselves their opposing viewpoint is unimportant for fear of judgment from the group.
  • Unanimity: Sometimes, the false assumption can be made that if everyone in the group is silent, then everyone must agree with what is being put forth.
  • Mindguards: This term refers to when members of the group appoint themselves as protectors of the leader or other important group members. Mindguards dismiss information that contradicts popular opinion or about past decisions to maintain group self-esteem.

If you support “moderated spaces” and censorship on social media platforms then you are unequivocally a groupthinker – and the group you are in is one that would have made Hitler proud.

So, What’s the Problem With Groupthink Anyway?

Well, just like Maybel’s sweet pecan pie, once you eat it you no longer have it. Do you see how that works? You can’t have censorship and freedom too, it just doesn’t work like that. So, while you might feel some comfort knowing that you’re right about everything because you unquestioningly conform to the dictates of pontificating puppet politicians proselytizing from their podium pulpits in the talking head media echo chamber, do you understand the cost of your short-sighted, self-centered, and illusory comfort? And, have you considered who will be forced to pay the debt for your cowardice and lack of character – long after your bones have turned to dust?

My question (while it’s not illegal to ask yet) is why? What have you sold our children’s First Amendment guarantee of free speech for? To keep you safe? To protect you from the questions of people who don’t share your groupthink mind-control cult programming? Is it impossible for you to imagine that you or your children may ever wish to express a unique thought? Are you cool with running your thoughts and opinions through a government filter for the rest of your life and your children’s life to come?

If so, so be it. But the part where you feel like you’re justified in sending in the German Shepherds to destroy anybody who does not share your, quite frankly, wack-a-doodle cult belief system because that’s what you need so that you can feel safe, is where we start to run into a problem. You’re not allowed to do that to me any more than you would allow some murderer to kill you. I mean, you wouldn’t allow that, would you? Even if that’s what they needed in order to feel safe?

Think about it. If there’s any integrity in you, then you probably have some apologies to make. Not doing something that you know is the right thing to do just because you’re scared of the consequences is all that is required for nefarious agendas to succeed – because they’re banking on your cowardice and lack of character.

Although she was beheaded with a guillotine by order of the State for her thoughts and opinions, the courage and character of one young girl who refused to be silenced by the Nazi power structure of World War II Germany continue to offer inspiration for each of us who are censored, suspended, and shadow-banned for dangerous thought crimes in our similarly troubling times. If there remains any question about the rational conclusion of what will be found at the bottom of this slippery slope, then look no further than the story of Sophie Scholl and The White Rose for your answer.

Sophie Scholl: The Final Days

Watch this true story based on the courage of Sophie, her brother Hans, and their friend Cristoph who had the faith and fortitude to stand AGAINST the Nazi regime at the height of its power during WWII.

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The Cathy O’Brien Story

The Cathy O’Brien Story

What were the results of the experimentation and practice of social engineering and mind control during the Cold War?

When Operation Paperclip was ushered into the United States, coinciding with the inception of the CIA and the National Security Act, Nazi research and trauma-based mind-control experiments were brought to the US, initiating Project MK ULTRA. These secret projects were funded through arms deals, drug operations, human trafficking, and human slavery. The ultimate goal behind this hidden agenda was to implement mind control deeply within our government, education, healthcare, and media to create compliance in the new world regime.

TRANCE weaves Cathy O’Brien’s experience as a victim of MK Ultra and Project Monarch.


Children of the Grave

Revolution in Their Minds


Jul 10, 2022

If the goal of the human race was to ensure its survival, I’d say we’re scoring pretty low right now. It’s actually unfathomable to me that so many of our youth in the world can now be counted among the millions of vaccine victims in an ever-growing tally of casualties in this war against humanity. I believe that all parents are just trying to do the right thing, but whether or not receiving the mutagenic mRNA so-called vaccine injection resulted in your toddler or teenager expressing any symptoms of an adverse reaction (including death), the chances are they’ve probably been sterilized and if not they’re sure to pass the patented genetic sequence with which they’ve been edited unto the fourth generation.

TRANCE Formation of America

This book is primarily the autobiography of Cathy O’Brien, who did not volunteer for service to her country but was used her entire life against her innate, voluntary will for perpetuating criminal activity by many so-called leaders within the U.S. Government. These “treasonous leaders” did volunteer for political “service” to our country. They must be held accountable for their actions.

Was the Covid-19 thing really that scary to you? I’ll admit when we first heard of the sickness caused by the SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus, they made it sound like we were staring down the barrel of a real zombie apocalypse scenario. We didn’t have any information other than the fearporn lies coming out of the boob tube and the mindless echo chamber of complicit bureaucrats and slobbering career politicians. By the time they started jabbing everyone with the miracle mRNA vaccines at warp speed, there was sufficient evidence to show the number of cases and mortality rate had been deceitfully inflated.

Rock Stone Report LIVE

At this point in my life, I really only care about one thing: my children’s future. I can only imagine the same is true for most parents, and especially so for parents of young children, but the future which they will inherit from us will not resemble anything we’ve ever known. The protective bubble of fabricated reality that we thought was the world in which we lived our entire lives up until now is about to catastrophically burst all around us. The pillars of trust that have upheld our authorities and institutions are crumbling fast on all sides and it’s no longer possible for us to prevent the roof from collapsing in on itself.

For the past couple of years, our two-faced and emotionally abusive leaders in government have been taking advantage of our naive trust in them and stringing us along with a future-faking carrot-on-a-stick that everything will return to “normal” if we just continue to comply with their unending illegitimate tyrannical edicts and mandates. If we continue as a collective of people to follow the direction of these diabolical murderers and rapists who control our governments, our institutions, and the mockingbird media, we will surely lead our children to the dungeon that’s been prepared for them and a lifetime of unspeakable horror, torture, and captivity. Or, we can choose to stop allowing ourselves to be manipulated by divisiveness, we can choose to unite as one people, and stand up to these playground bullies once and for all.

The hardest part is admitting that our social contracts have all been broken and then coming into acceptance with the formally inconceivable depth of betrayal we are experiencing. It is the Revelation of the end of days as we have known them to be, for once the scales of the dream spell you’ve been under have fallen from your eyes, you cannot help but see the falseness of the world as it’s been. Each person must choose the path ahead for themselves, and for their children who rely on them, the direction we will go. My hope is that enough of us will choose to no longer comply with our captors so that we might have a chance to break free before they lock us all up in the torture chambers to which we are being led.

But, ‘hope’, as a famous American quaker once said, is a thin soup.

Before the world was coerced into participating as unwitting human guinea pigs in an unprecedented mutagenic serum medical experiment, I never would have asked this question but now I need to know: who gets the intellectual property rights to my genome when I’m not “Nature’s Product” anymore? Despite the fact that the ones experimenting on us assured everyone that these injections are “safe and effective”, what does their clinical data tell us? And, why are pro-choice abortion advocates siding with the KKK?

We’ll answer these questions and more in this episode of Rock Stone Report LIVE.

“Children of the Grave” narrated by M. ROCK STONE on Rock Stone Report LIVE

The Spike Protein IS Covid-19

Even so, your toddler and your teenager were never in any danger of being hospitalized for Covid-19 nor for its dubious delta and omicron variants – and even the legacy so-called mainstream media reported it. I’m really not into the whole shame and blame game, so please don’t misunderstand me if you’re feeling a hot flush of guilt because your heart has convicted you. This gives me no pleasure. My concern is for the children and their children, and their children’s children.

However, it is my hope that the horror of the complete genetic devastation brought down upon humanity by these coerced mutagenic population control injections may no longer escape your attention. It is my hope that from this day forward you will no longer run to the needle they offer you every time they say you’re eligible for the next booster. And, for the sake of the entire human race, it is my most sincere hope that you will never again offer up your children in sacrifice upon their unholy gene editing altar of eternal slavery and damnation.



Nature’s Product

I know, it sounds like something on a granola bar wrapper, but that’s what our United States Supreme Court calls the unique genetic sequence of your DNA – and it’s something you can’t patent. You see, Mother Nature already holds the patent on “you”. She’s the author of your unique genetic sequence and so, as the court sees it, your DNA (which is to say the stuff that makes you “you”) is the intellectual property of Nature. So, when we are born, in a very legal sense, according to the US Supreme Court, our DNA is (and we are) “Nature’s Product”.

It makes perfect sense in a way, after all, you can’t expect to hold the patent on an apple for example. But, if you could somehow modify the genome of the Nature’s Product version of the apple, then you could patent the unique genetic sequence that you developed in your computer model for a new GMO apple. Seeing as how this unique genetic modification had never occurred in nature before it was patented by you, anywhere in the world that this unique GMO apple is grown, the designer genome from which it is made is considered to be your intellectual property.

Just like you wouldn’t expect to hold the patent on a human. But, if you could somehow modify the genome of the Nature’s Product version of a human, then you could patent the unique genetic sequence that you developed in your computer model for a new GMO human. Seeing as how this unique genetic modification had never occurred in nature before it was patented by you, anywhere in the world that this unique GMO human is found, the designer genome from which they are made is considered to be your intellectual property.

Formula For Oh My!

In all the hype and hysteria from the media mockingbirds and puppet politicians’ agenda to inject every last breathing red-blooded human being on the planet, nobody seemed to pay any heed to the protections guaranteed to us by the hard-won response of the Free World to the horrific medical experimentation atrocities of the Nazi eugenics program. Instead, they played the emotionally abusive tactic of “plausible deniability” by admitting that they couldn’t force you to take the “vaccine” but they could (and did) punish those who didn’t take it. That’s what they call “six of one and a half dozen of the other” my friend.

In the early days of this orchestrated bio-weapon and terror attack though, many people still trusted the venerable octogenarian “Ouchie” Dr. Fauci and the “recommendations” being issued by the World Health Organization, the CDC, and the FDA. Bill Gates was on the TV news telling the world that things won’t be returning to normal until he’d injected 7 billion people on the planet with his patented experimental mutagenic mRNA gene therapy “vaccine” serum. Anyone who dared to ask what might be in this pharmaceutical witch’s brew before rolling up their sleeve was shamed and humiliated for their lack of faith in “the science” before being handed the thickly folded information sheet inserted by the manufacturer into the package with the vial which was blank – adding insult to injury.

The Sheep and Dr. Wolf

In a recent interview with Kate Dally, Dr. Naomi Wolf stated that, although the big pharma miracle vaccine manufacturers desperately need the FDA’s approval to inject babies in order for them to have immunity from liability across the board, she believes there is a larger agenda at work. Wolf postulated that (when you add up the injections with the accompanying social indoctrination) the real goal of this whole Covid-19 crisis has been to change our kids and to change our future generations so they will be what she called “injured, damaged serfs”. Citing the massive release of information following a FOIA request, Dr. Wolf has concluded that the nano-lipid particles in these injections are targeting the whole reproductive cycle from menstruation to intercourse, to conception, to gestation, and lactation.

Even though we were told that the experimental mutagenic serums were “safe and effective” for pregnant women, we now know that pregnant women were excluded from the Pfizer trials. During the trials, however, nearly 300 women became pregnant and 26 of the 36 women who were followed by the clinicians lost their babies. The study showed that the nano-lipid particles that encase the mRNA in these injections are made from polyethylene glycol (PEG), which is a petroleum byproduct that is also used to make antifreeze, and don’t stay at the injection site as we were told but instead are designed to cross the blood-brain barrier. She said that Pfizer’s own internal documents admit that the mRNA delivery system lodges in the ovaries, targets the liver, adrenals, spleen, and lymph nodes, and can be found abundantly in the placenta and amniotic fluid.

The Sheep and Dr. Wolf LIVE

The lactating women in Pfizer’s study were reported as having blue-green breastmilk with trace amounts of polyethylene glycol (PEG) also present. The babies who were given this milk were documented as “inconsolable” and restless, resulting in very few vaccinated women being able to breastfeed their infants. In a time when vaccines are still being pushed by the government, the media, and the corporate sector, it seems that babies in America are no longer able to survive and thrive on their mother’s milk. What an inopportune time for us to experience the first-ever baby formula shortage in our nation. While the criminals in DC have been furiously working to send any and all available baby formula inventory to our open border, leaving the shelves empty at every grocery store in America, the Rockefeller gopher and top funder of the WHO, miracle mRNA vaccine manufacturer Bill Gates has just announced his new artificial miracle baby formula. Gates to the rescue again! What would the world do without his saving graces?


Gates of Hell

With all this talk about Roe v. Wade lately, you might think that such great American institutions as Planned Parenthood are worthy of being celebrated as the sworn protectors of women’s reproductive health care and tireless defenders of a woman’s right to choose. You might think that because that’s what the talking heads in the legacy media have told you to think, but the roots of this organization are incredibly (although not surprisingly) sinister. These days, Wikipedia won’t tell you that Margaret Sanger initially called it “The Negro Project” when she started this operation in the early 20th century.

Just like the power elite of today, Rockefeller, Du Pont, Proctor and Gamble, Kellog, and so many others of the time were hard-core incurable eugenicists who were zealously devoted to manipulating the human genome. It was her mission to eradicate the “Negro” race from the face of the planet by killing as many as she could before they were born. After all, if you wait until they’re in the cradle it’s called murder.

So, it should be no surprise that she was a very popular speaker with the Democrats of the Ku Klux Klan at their many rallies. Likewise, she was deeply enamored with Hitler’s passion to establish world dominance of the master race in a New Order that would ensure the annihilation of the socially undesirable and inferior races. As time passed and the organization evolved, eventually Bill Gates’ father took the helm at a time when “women’s reproductive rights” was still a controversial subject.

When you consider all of the abortions for which the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation can be credited in the war-torn and impoverished nations of Africa since, you’d have to imagine that Margaret Sanger is looking proudly up at him from her place in Hell. Our dear philanthropathic friend, Bill Gates. Not only is he doing his part for the master race by making sure there are fewer African people being born, but he is a champion of depopulation around the globe for the sake of preventing climate change. The only thing that’s confusing is why he would be spending billions at the World Health Organization and manufacturing miracle mRNA vaccines to save people from the deadly Covid-19.

We’ll never innovate our way to zero if you keep saving people’s lives, Bill. What gives? Think about what you’re doing to the planet!

The CIA’s Secret Quest For Mind Control: Torture, LSD And A ‘Poisoner In Chief’

MK-ULTRA …was created and run by a chemist named Sidney Gottlieb. Journalist Stephen Kinzer, who spent several years investigating the program, calls the operation the “most sustained search in history for techniques of mind control.”

The Hoax on You

Maybe it’s just me, but every so often I think it’s prudent to take a step back and examine some of the beliefs I hold, just because sometimes things change. For instance, I can get really triggered over this whole “mask and vax” thing. While I can still go to the supermarket without being harassed, for the time being, I know it’s only a matter of time until the decree is issued from on high that all the slaves must be muzzled in public again. And why? Well, for the greater good of course!

That’s a cool story if you’re a brainwashed zombie mask Nazi fear-porn addict following the Scientism, but I’m not a death cultist. So, what if we took stock of the unspeakable facts that have been ignored in this whole fascist plandemic psy-op? Everybody, please raise your hand if you died from not wearing a mask on your face. Zero. Okay, now raise your hand if not taking the “vaccine” killed you. Zero again. Judging by this brief survey here, it appears that we’re all healthy AF.

In light of facts, the “mask and vax” crowd can only be explained as the brainwashed death cult devotees that they are, so I’m not under the pretense they can be swayed in any way. The problem is their cult programming tells them they have to convert everybody else or they’ll die.

They make YOU responsible for THEIR life so that they can make themselves responsible for YOUR life.

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'A minute of silence for all those who died from not wearing a mask this year... RIGHT, NOBODY, OK THEN....'

There is no end to their zeal for taking your life because their inverted Satanic belief system convinces them that it is the only way to save their own life. It is a clear pyramid scheme but, if they can’t recruit you, they’ll swarm and punish you then cut you off and deny your existence.

Yet, they are the ones who are dying and not us. We who can see through the mind control programming have life, while they are rewarded with death. Still, do not doubt their conviction nor their assumption of moral authority as the government-god-appointed agents of YOUR health and well-being. Welcome to the real Nazi Zombie Apocalypse. Just wait for the cinematic finale when the hoards of South American cannibals start taking over, cue NATO troops, and roll credits.


Stay tuned for Part 2, when they open a portal to Hell at CERN in Geneva and activate the AI-controlled robotic drone assassins, extermination camps housing AI-controlled smart guillotines with facial recognition (made in China), and the AI-controlled robotic slaughterhouse equipped with high-velocity air knives to burn dead bodies for bio-fuel, instead of coal. That’s one way to prevent climate change!

Tumbling down, tumbling down

Some unknown patriot celebrated this Independence Day with a display of calibrated bomb-bursting at the Guidestones monument in rural Georgia. It must have gotten some billionaire eugenics globalist (like, I don’t know, Ted Turner?) pretty upset because a couple of days later, they sent in the demolition crew and bulldozed the whole thing back to the infernal place it came from. Rest assured, however, they haven’t changed their agenda that was carved in stone there: MAINTAIN HUMANITY UNDER 500,000,000.

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Taking a Stand Against Free Speech
Preventing the Spread of Dangerous Misinformation
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